We don’t need Lebron James.

Lebron James is the best player in the NBA and Cleveland doesn’t need him.

That ridiculous purple shirt.  The media disaster that was “the decision”. The infamous quote regarding his talents and South Beach. Most importantly the slap to the face of the entire city of Cleveland. All of which are good reason to never allow Lebron James to wear a Cleveland Cavaliers jersey ever again.

Cleveland, Ohio is a proud city; more importantly a blue collar working city. Clevelanders everywhere pay their hard earned dollars to watch millionaires play a child’s game. To one day see a championship; a championship which was one of the many hollow promises James made and didn’t deliver on before skipping town in a fashion appalling to most normal people.

Is losing self respect worth giving Lebron James another ring? Did most of the general public here in Cleveland forget what a debacle it was to watch James turn his back on his team along with the city he claimed was his home?

The saying goes. “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.”

Why on earth should James get the chance to stick it to Cleveland again?

Lebron James has proven time after time he cares about none other than Lebron James.

The way I see it, Lebron James is the convict and Cleveland is the parole board. Has he exhibited a willingness to rehabilitate? Did he really show any remorse for what he did? Only when the decision blew up in his face did he half heartedly apologize. The more important question we all have to ask ourselves is whether Lebron James really cares behind closed doors. Has he shown any real true remorse when the cameras aren’t in his face.

I don’t think so. I see a narcissistic sociopath with a set of extraordinary skills with a basketball.
We all have to realize. Lebron is about Lebron.

Why help him get a ring in Cleveland? Let Akron get an NBA team and he can go there. That’s his home. Thats what his actions say and they speak loud and clear.
Enough about Lebron coming back. He swindled us once. I want Dan Gilbert to build a team that can demolish whatever team Lebron is on. He decimated our team with his constant pouting, choking, and his decision. The least Cleveland and the Cavs can do is return the favor.

We don’t forget, we were all witnesses. 

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